Design philosophy

A website should be memorable by its design. A good design is the foundation of a good website. Here are, in my opinion, some of the most important aspects of a website.

Color palette

Colors are the soul of a website, reflecting the bussiness’ branding at a single glance. Color responds to the users action, from a single hover animation to a fully reactive background, it is the single biggest key to accessibility. Strategically chosen colors will evoke trust, or excitement, leaving a positive impression on the visitors.


Typography on a website is more than just text; it's a visual language. Good fonts are the key to an outstanding user experience. Headers should be eye-catching, while body texts should be suttle and easily readable.


Icons are also an important step towards user accessibility, the icons used on this website are from google fonts. Icons guide the user to the correct destinations, without them realizing, they’re suttle but incredibly important for an excellent user experience.

More information

Here is a great video about design philosophy in web development.